As some of you know, I am making it a habit of mine to make a calendar at the end of each year to sort of summarize my year, my experiences, and the beauty that I was blessed enough to witness. Here is a slideshow of the photos for my photo calendar this year (perhaps it is no surprise that many of the photos came from New Zealand :D):
There is of course a story behind each of these images and each caption/title. If anyone is curious, I'd be more than happy to share the story. Picking the photos was probably the easy part, coming up with a title I liked that meant something was the hard part >.<. I don't know know how many photos I ended up taking this year (file name numbering suggest maybe around 17 thousand). I really feel like I've grown a lot this year, from learning to crop and simplify my photos to HDR to reading up on strobist and using flash much more effectively... It has been a busy year and I really want to thank all those who helped me in my journey, sharing ideas, sharing photos, providing valuable critique or was just patient with me while I took my sweet time on a trip somewhere :). Special thanks to those who I pestered for helping me pick the calendar photos and write the captions :D Here are a few more photos that I really liked but wasn't quite fitting for a calendar: